Monday, June 15, 2009

These are the days of my life...

Day 13:
Today, I was able to sleep in and enjoy time away from the office. I started my morning reading my fourth book since being here, and a couple hours later Lee ventured down and said they were venturing up north to look at some furniture and asked me if I wanted to join. After not much thought, and claiming that this was one for our "adventure book" [last night we went to see UP], I decided to tag along. We stopped to get gas and collect drinks and then drove to Taco Bell for something to hold us over. Then, we were off. I managed to get my first real glimpse at the windy city, from the truck windows, of course. Yet, it was still nice. Our two hour trip reached a total of about three hours, I believe--due to the crazed traffic caused by the Blues Festival, and perhaps just the norm of city traffic. We ended up arriving to the house and the furniture wasn't worthy of being purchased---so we began the trek back not long after a couple of looks. It was on the way that I finished the book I had started just this morning. Oh, I am quite scatterbrained it seems. After that, we went to Olive Garden and it was amazing like always; the conversation was light-hearted and full of laughter. I am pretty sure it did us all some good to just get out of the car. I think I shall stop here, because sleep is not far off from this point.

OH, I forgot on the way back, God and I had a beautiful time together. The freedom I have to talk to Him is something I often take for granted. Though today, I found myself coming back to Him in prayer.And it was such a blessing. My eyes fell upon a certain scripture in Romans 4, just a couple days ago and then today, the book I have been reading mentioned it--so it is beginning to resonate with me..."Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God,but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised."
*When referencing this verse John Eldrege pointed out, "Abraham's faith was based on a clear and specific promise of God. "God had power to do what he promised."

What kept me from turning back on June 1st was the knowledge that God was already there waiting for me in Chicago, it wasn't that my faltering faith and doubts would possible lessen His presence, or keep Him from being by my side. It was the assurance that God is who He says He is, and is going to do what He said He would. So this verse more than registers with my heart, because the truth is so very relevant to what I have faced and what I will continue to face. Yet I can hold tight to John 16:33. God is a God of promises, and a God of promises KEPT.

Day 14:
Hm..So today started significantly earlier than the yesterday, of course, being that it was Sunday. Sleep just didn't seem to be on my side last night. Yet, all is well. Due to the threat of a migraine that I believe was my culprit for lack of sleep. I made a stop to Dunkin Donuts [I probably obliterated the spelling, keep in mind it is my first time, dear friends] on the way in to church. I must say, that their chocolate chip muffins are amazing. That was my first time, if you don't count once at the Miami airport. Well worth the stop, and the 3.17 I paid for it and some caffeine. When I got there the girls were already assembled and ready to practice God of Wonders. So I thus took my familiar spot on the front row to help them out with the motions. Beforehand, Lou came over and greeted me. It is still amazes me that I have been given this opportunity to work at his church. Just such a blessing. The service started and the girls did a wonderful job yet again. The message centered around seeing both today and tomorrow with God's perspective, and the final song was Mighty to Save. Megan the little seven-year old that is at the church almost as much as me during the week, came over and stood next to me at some point during the song. Her voice was so pure and sweet; she was singing with child-like abandon and it was absolutely beautiful. After the service, I ventured to the four and five year-old room, class was quite the adventure. I was joined by three other adults that were new to the scene as well--so we kind of just made up our own schedule. That was just fine with me. After church I went out to eat with the Carl, his parents and Lee to Applebee's. Oh it has been grand eating these past two days :]. It is crazy to think that this coming Saturday is Kady's wedding. And that a week from this Monday is VBS; my time here is swiftly coming to an end.

*Random note to followers, not one of much importance. Though not much of this ever really is, haha. I shall have this huge house to myself this coming weekend. I won't know what to do with myself; most of Saturday will be spent at the church albeit for Kady's wedding and then decorating for VBS.... but still it shall be quite a change of pace.

I like to think I have conquered the messy updo that you see on Lauren and Lo on the Hills. Key phrase: I like to think. Ha. Oh well, it is easy and it works for me. I have reached the point of the awkward hair stage, the middle length that makes you either want to chop it all off, or you are strong enough to keep fighting off the temptation of venturing to the nearest salon.

We just went out looking for property: Lee, Carl's mom and I, and the owner of the house said, "I assume that you are the mother, the daughter, and the grandma." Lee replied, "Well I should be the mother, but I am not." The woman thought we both seemed to hold a resemblance to each other. That is a first, but to be expected.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. A day off, nothing required of me. Of course, not much is required of me on the weekend---but I kind of run into things, which are nice outings, but like yesterday they tend to take up most of the day.

Fourteen days without any T.V. You could almost say that I have stuck with my just one soda policy, and exchanged the once usual other two for water...There are off days, which are to be expected, with my recent bouts of migraines here and there. Three days, I have been connected to the GRAND World Wide Web, for more than the occasional five minutes at work. Sad thing is, my usual connectivity length probably was much greater than all of my wi-fi outings combined, I am actually quite sure of it. All in all, I have made some significant changes, for the better. I am sure when I venture home I might splurge a bit, before I am off on my next adventure. Yet I am also sure it has been a good thing, and that for the most part these things shall stick with me.... It is with His strength that I have been able to do this, His alone.

Each day I continue to find myself awestruck, that I actually made it here, that I actually stayed.I haven't been held hostage by distractions this entire time of my being here. True, it is only fourteen days, not a big deal. Though, the girl that once had at least one show a night, three sodas per day, and connectivity to the Internet all day long--has reasoned that there is more to this life and been able to see more of His, dear beauty that was once silenced in comparison of the distractions of the day. Awe, I think I have fallen into my rambling pattern, maybe it is time to forgo this for the time being....

Returning to jot down a few more things. Ha. I guess that is what I get for starting to write about my day during the middle of the day, instead of waiting until that day is indeed done. Carl's mom, Lee and I played a few games of rummy and chatted about my future plans. I said goodbye to them, because with Lee and Carl being out of town this next weekend, we won't be having our traditional Sunday lunch, and then the next Sunday I will have already been gone, or be leaving. After they left we all stood around in the kitchen and realized that we were all hungry, so we set about making a frozen pizza, and then they put on their favorite movie, "That Thing You Do," I am surprised that I haven't seen it before. It was pretty fantastic :]. Ranking up there with Moonstruck and Never Been Kissed, I'd say. Some people would find that hard to believe as a compliment, but it is indeed a compliment coming from me :).

Okay, so by the looks of this, I am a person who never stops talking. I should really turn in now.
My prediction of Day 15 includes: a retreat for wi-fi most likely lunch at my second home, a search for a dress for Kady's wedding, and quite possibly a book or two since I am left with just one that is unread. Plans could indeed change, I should really do laundry at some point...We'll see. ;].

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