I went to meet those venturing with me on the Baja trip today for breakfast. I'm not one to enjoy social outings, it's hard for me to put myself out there in groups of people, even those I am closest to. I am often lonelier in groups of people, than when I am by myself, lost in a book surrounded by the comforts of home.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
to be known
I went to meet those venturing with me on the Baja trip today for breakfast. I'm not one to enjoy social outings, it's hard for me to put myself out there in groups of people, even those I am closest to. I am often lonelier in groups of people, than when I am by myself, lost in a book surrounded by the comforts of home.
Tonight I will set my heart out to be joyful on the smaller things:
- Mom's text to me while at work: "OMG I just got a bag full of clothing from Old Navy for 12 dollars!"
- Mom's spontaneous decision to venture back to Old Navy, just so I could go take a peek at the clearance.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
truth is: i need to be carried.
my cup is empty, my mouth is dry
see how quickly i fall
burdened with darkness
heavy in lies
i want to cry, but i can’t
i try to stand but i fall down again
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
when i am weak
o this can’t be enough
to just say i’m sorry, to confess my fault
when i’ve hurt You so much
and now i am asking for You to do more
i want to cry, but i can’t
i try to stand but i fall down again
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
when i am weak
i'm always weak...
when I first met you I drew you in close to me
your weaknesses covered with strength and security
I've never left you, nor will I ever leave
child believe, child believe
but you are strong...
when I first met you I drew you in close to me
your weaknesses covered with strength and security
I've never left you, nor will I ever leave
child believe, child believe
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
i need You to carry me
when i am weak
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
14 The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
15 Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”
17 And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”
18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”
"He says simply, “I know, my son, I know.”
And that is an incredibly tender thing to say as someone’s expectations crumble.
And I think it’s something God still says to us, even today.
“I know, my son, I know. I know, my daughter, I know. That thing you wanted is not going to happen. Not the way you’ve always dreamed. I know this hurts. I know this stings. I know you feel like I am distant or not aware of where you are and who hurt you and what you think life was supposed to be like. I know in moments like this you doubt that I can count the hairs on your head or have your best in mind. But please, I am not done. I have barely started to reveal your life to you. I am the God who satisfies your desires with good things. That is me! And when it comes to your hopes and your fears and your dreams, I know, my son, I know.”
I think of this moment as the “soft x.”
I think of the tenderness of Israel with his arms outstretched and crossed. I think of our desires and our dreams and the times they don’t work. And above all, I think of a God who wants to tell you he hears you, he loves, he knows you. He is not disconnected or disinterested in who you are and who you want to be. Today, he says,
“I know, my son, I know.”
"The soft X." http://stuffchristianslike.net/2010/12/the-soft-x/?awesm=fbshare.me_AYBUW
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sitting alongside family,
but when crying don't help,
you can't compose yourself,
it's best to compose a poem.
An honest verse of longing, or a simple song of hope.
That's why I'm singing, 'Baby, don't worry- cause now I've got your back.'
And every time you feel like crying, I'll try and make you laugh.
And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we'll wait for it to pass.
And I will keep you company for those days so long and black.
And we'll keep working on the problem
that we know we'll never solve-
of Love's uneven remainders,
our lives are fractions of a whole.
But if the world could remain within a frame
like a painting on a a wall,
I think we'd see the beauty there,
we'd stand staring awe
at our still lives posed
like a bowl of oranges.
Like a story told, by the fault lines and the soil."
~Bowl of Oranges, by Bright Eyes